MOTHERS/CARERS DAY - Preston Apothecary


We just wanted to say a couple things in the lead up to Mother's Day this year. 

This is a time of year to show and experience so much love, but we just wanted to also talk about the hard stuff too. Please always reach out to us if you or someone you know is doing it tough and we can send out a little care package or we're here for just a chat too xx

*trigger warning, death, loss, trauma. 

This time of year can be a very happy one and a very sad one. A very happy time for new mums, older mums and mums to be! For those of us who have lost our mothers, have had tough times with our mothers and those of us trying to become mothers it can be a very difficult and sad time. We want to acknowledge that and acknowledge this time of year can be difficult. We wanted to also say that sometimes the people we surround ourselves with become our family and we love that and feel very loved. We would like to also acknowledge that we are on stolen land and the stolen generation are still experiencing unthinkable generational trauma. We would want to also take a step back and reflect on all the mothers who have been lost/killed in Gaza and continue to be. Our thoughts are with them, their families, their loved ones and we demand a permanent ceasefire now.

We hope that you are all doing ok out there. Lots and lots of love. Please reach out or write to us if you ever need anything or someone you know does!! xx


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